The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert
Become an In-demand SQL Master by creating complex databases and building reports through real-world projects
The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert
Become an In-demand SQL Master by creating complex databases and building reports through real-world projects
JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2020 (Beginner + Advanced)
Modern JavaScript from the beginning - all the way up to JS expert level! THE must-have JavaScript resource in 2020.
Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide
Build, test, and deploy Docker applications with Kubernetes while learning production-style development workflows
R Tidyverse Reporting and Analytics for Excel Users
From Excel To Big Data and Interactive Dashboard Visualizations in 5 Hours
React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
Dive in and learn React.js from scratch! Learn Reactjs, Hooks, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Next.js and way more!
The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects!
Master JavaScript with the most complete course! Projects, challenges, quizzes, JavaScript ES6+, OOP, AJAX, Webpack
The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp
Become a full-stack web developer with just one course. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB and more!
Git & GitHub Masterclass
Add real world development team skills for version control and source control to your resume & programming arsenal!
The Complete C Course
Learn C in this course and become a Computer Programmer. Obtain valuable C skills and problem solving strategy
Angular 8 - The Complete Guide (2019+ Edition)
Master Angular (formerly "Angular 2") and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular.js
Master Laravel PHP in 2019 for Beginners and Intermediate
Get from zero to proficiency in Laravel PHP Framework in one week! Course for beginners and intermediate students!
Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp
Learn to build websites with HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , Javascript , jQuery , Python 3 , and Django!
Automating Data Exploration with R
Build the tools needed to quickly turn data into model-ready data sets
Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R
Learn how to use the R programming language for data science and machine learning and data visualization!
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2020
Master Node by building a real-world RESTful API and web app (with authentication, Node.js security, payments & more)
Postman: The Complete Guide - REST API Testing
Postman API testing for manual and automated tests. Automate with Newman, Jenkins or any other CI tool.
Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass)
Build modern responsive websites & UIs with HTML5, CSS3 & Sass! Learn Flex & CSS Grid
Web Development w/ Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language
Learn Web Programming from a University Professor in Computer Science with over 15 years of teaching experience.
The Web Developer Bootcamp
The only course you need to learn web development - HTML, CSS, JS, Node, and More!
Learn C# By Building Applications
Learn C# 6 and C# 7 by understanding the core concepts and using them to build real world .NET console applications.
SQL - The Query Writing Bootcamp [2019]
Master SQL and Become Job Ready as a SQL Developer by Working Hands-On Querying a Relational Database - [RDBMS]
MongoDB - The Complete Developer's Guide
Master MongoDB Development for Web & Mobile Apps. CRUD Operations, Indexes, Aggregation Framework - All about MongoDB!
Complete Python Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery
How to become a Python 3 Developer and get hired! Build 12+ projects, learn Web Development, Machine Learning + more
Beginning C++ Programming - From Beginner to Beyond
Obtain Modern C++ Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and STL skills needed for game, system, and application development.
Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers
Learn Java In This Course And Become a Computer Programmer. Obtain valuable Core Java Skills And Java Certification
Go (Golang): The Complete Bootcamp
Deeply understand and master the Go Programming Language (Golang) from scratch 1000+ hands-on exercises and projects
The Complete D3.js Data Visualization Guide
Bring Data to life with D3.Js Data Visualization Library. Master JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Build Stunning Data Visuals
R Programming A-Z™: R For Data Science With Real Exercises!
Learn Programming In R And R Studio. Data Analytics, Data Science, Statistical Analysis, Packages, Functions, GGPlot2
Laravel and Vue.js - Fullstack Web Development (2019)
Learn how to build RESTful API and Single Page Application with Laravel & VueJs from scratch (compatible with Laravel 6)
Modern JavaScript From The Beginning
Learn and build projects with pure JavaScript (No frameworks or libraries)
CSS - The Complete Guide 2020 (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass)
Learn CSS for the first time or brush up your CSS skills and dive in even deeper. EVERY web developer has to know CSS.
C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding
Master C# fundamentals in 6 hours - The most popular course with 50,000+ students, packed with tips and exercises!
Apache Kafka Series - Learn Apache Kafka for Beginners v2
Apache Kafka has become the leading distributed data streaming enterprise big data technology. Kafka is used in production by over 33% of the Fortune 500 companies such as Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, Walmart and LinkedIn.
Vue JS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex)
Vue.js is an awesome JavaScript Framework for building Frontend Applications! VueJS mixes the Best of Angular + React!
SQL Beginner to Guru: MySQL Edition - Master SQL with MySQL
SQL skills are in demand. Learn to master SQL using MySQL. Become a SQL Guru today!
Facial recognition using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV
Learn how to detect the human faces and eyes in any image and build your own image puzzle using Python
Big Data Hadoop and Spark
Complete course from very basics - Big Data Hadoop with Spark and Eco system
JSON JavaScript - Quick Course JSON for beginners
Learn how JSON works and how you can use JSON data via JavaScript in your web applications and web site
{ C } Digital Image Processing From Ground Up™
Image Processing : Edge-Detection Algorithms , Convolution, Filter Design, Gray-Level Transformation, Histograms etc.
Complete React Developer in 2020 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL)
Become a Senior React Developer! Build a massive E-commerce app with Redux, Hooks, GraphQL, ContextAPI, Stripe, Firebase
Data Structures and Algorithms - The Complete Masterclass
Crack the code interview by getting mastery in data structures & algorithms & Become a data structures & algorithms Ace
Java for Absolute Beginners
A course on Java for complete beginners to computer programming, for those who want concepts explained in plain English.
Learn to Code with Ruby
A comprehensive introduction to coding with the Ruby programming language. Complete beginners welcome!
Complete Web Automation with Excel VBA
Fill Out Web Forms Dynamically, Navigate Web Pages Intuitively, And Extract & Manipulate Data To Increase Efficiency!
Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3
Learn Python like a Professional! Start from the basics and go all the way to creating your own applications and games!