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On, candidates can find open job positions in different companies of the Vertical, Indoor and Hydroponic Farming Industry.
We’ll work closely with you to create content around your brand or product that our user will love.
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How you can promote?
Promote your Company in our Newsletter
29€ per month
If you want to tell a story about your product or brand, there’s no better place to do it. We’ll work with you to create content that developers will love and we’ll place it in a premium spot within the newsletter.
Sponsored Article in our Blog
49€ per article
If you want to tell a story about your product or brand, the blog is the right place. You Provide us your article which has relevance for our users and you can link to your site or landing pages.
Your Job Listing First in our Newsletter
19€ per spot
The Company, people read as first in a text, stays longer in their mind. Advertise your Job listing as first in the Newsletter and as first in the Newsletter Subject. Getting the Audience for your listing deserve!
Banner Ads on the Website
49€/month per spot
Banner Ads are great and simple to reach the interest of your Audience. We help you to track the attraction of your banner ads.